Multi-family properties

Which Appliances are Most in Need of Repair Before They Break?

As a property manager, you have the difficult task of keeping up with maintenance needs and repairs for multiple units. It can be time-consuming to manage all of them, but one major area that should never be overlooked is appliances. An appliance repair can be an expensive headache if it’s not handled properly or in a timely manner. So how do you know which appliances are most likely to break before they require attention? Knowing the answers to this puts you ahead of the game when it comes to servicing and maintaining your buildings while also saving money on costly emergency repairs.

Blog: Which Appliances are Most in Need of Repair Before They Break?

Property managers have a big responsibility when it comes to maintaining their units—especially major aspects like appliances. The last thing you want is for one of these critical components to break down, leaving your tenants in the lurch and you with an expensive repair bill. But that begs the question: which appliances are most likely to need inspection and repairs before they become a breakdown disaster?

In this blog post, we’re going to look at the most common appliance problems landlords need to watch out for in order to avoid large repair bills down the line. We’ll go over everything from washers and dryers to ovens and refrigerators so that you can prepare ahead of time, avoid breakdowns due to lack of preventive maintenance, and stay on top of any necessary repairs.

The Top Five Appliances in Need of Repair Before They Break

When it comes to appliances, few of us can deny the convenience they bring. Whether your tenants are using a dishwasher to help with after-dinner cleanup or an oven for cooking some delicious meals, appliances make countless chores and tasks significantly easier. Unfortunately, all that use also means regular wear and tear on our most trusted time-saving housemates - when small issues aren’t resolved early on, major problems (and costly repairs) can quickly follow!  The five common household items that should be checked regularly for potential repairs before they break down completely are the refrigerator, washing machine, water heater, and air conditioning units.

GE Appliance Refrigerator


Refrigerators are one of the most used appliances in any home. Unfortunately, they can also be prone to a variety of issues that require repair. The most common problem with refrigerators is a faulty compressor, which will eventually lead to inefficient cooling and potentially need more frequent repairs. Another issue to look out for is leaking water from the freezer or refrigerator, which could indicate a blocked drain line or damaged seals around the door.

Washer & Dryers

Inefficient and noisy washers and dryers is another appliance that property owners should keep an eye on. These machines can suffer from worn parts, loose connections, and improper loading that can all add up to significantly reduce their efficiency over time. If you notice your tenants not getting their laundry done in one cycle or if they’re noticing noise or vibration during use, it could be a sign that the machine needs to be serviced.


Dishwashers are prone to several common problems that can leave them unable to properly clean dishes. Common issues include clogged filters and lines, broken seals around the door, and worn parts like pumps and motors. Additionally, dishwashers may need regular maintenance for parts such as the spray arms which wear out over time and can reduce cleaning performance significantly.


A malfunctioning stove or oven can cause serious safety hazards if not addressed in time. Property owners should watch out for signs of faulty wiring, frayed cords, and broken knobs or switches. Additionally, faulty burners and elements can lead to uneven cooking as well as a potential fire hazard.

AC Units

Finally, AC units are one of the more expensive appliances to fix. Common problems include clogged filters, a frozen evaporator coil, and incorrect refrigerant levels. If your tenants start noticing their unit isn’t cooling efficiently or at all, it may be time for repairs or replacement.

How to Save Money on Appliance Repairs with These Simple Steps

By understanding which appliances are most likely to require repair and performing preventive maintenance on a regular basis, landlords can save money while avoiding costly emergency repairs. Here are some simple steps you can take:

  • Schedule regular maintenance with a certified technician to check for any faulty parts or connections. Regular maintenance and inspections can go a long way towards avoiding the large repair bills associated with a broken-down appliance. By keeping an eye out for potential problems in your tenants’ homes and making sure necessary repairs are done in a timely fashion, you can ensure that your property is always in tip-top shape.
  • Check your tenants’ appliances regularly for signs of wear and tear, such as noises or vibrations during the washing cycle, condensation around the refrigerator door seal, or inefficient cooling from the AC unit.
  • Replace older appliance models that are no longer working efficiently or effectively with newer energy-efficient models.
  • Have tenants check and clean filters and lines regularly to keep their dishwashers, refrigerators, and other appliances running smoothly.
  • Invest in an appliance management software program like SmartHQ Management to help track appliance health, maintenance, repairs, and warranties thereby avoiding expensive replacement costs.
  • Consider investing in extended warranties for your appliances, which can help cover any repair costs that may arise.
  • Educate your tenants on the importance of regular maintenance and proper usage of their appliances.
  • Research energy-efficient models of appliances - this will save you money on utility bills over time and can also be a great selling point for potential tenants who are looking to move into your property.
  • Read the SmartHQ Management Proactive Appliance Maintenance Guide to help you keep your property's appliances running at their optimum performance, saving you money and ensuring efficiency.
SmartHQ Pro

By following these simple steps, landlords can save money while ensuring their tenants’ safety and comfort. Regular maintenance and preventive care are essential to keeping appliance repairs to a minimum and avoiding major breakdowns in the future. So don’t wait; take action now to ensure your appliances remain safe and efficient for years to come.  Your wallet will thank you!

Property management is a difficult job and it’s important to stay on top of repairs. By taking the time to properly maintain and inspect your rental property’s appliances, landlords can avoid costly repairs and keep their investments in good condition for years to come.  By understanding which appliances are more likely to require repair before they break down completely, property managers can better prepare for maintenance and repairs that need to be done ahead of time in order to avoid costly emergency repairs later on. Keep an eye out for the issues outlined above and make sure you stay up-to-date with any preventive maintenance necessary in order to keep your tenants’ units running smoothly at all times.

Visit GE SmartHQ Management, request a demo, and look at your cost-benefits of appliance management software for smart appliances using real-time tracking for the health of your residential appliance inventory.

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