Multi-family properties

What to Provide and What to Avoid - Landlords and Appliances

The image shows a modern, fully equipped kitchen with stainless steel appliances, including a refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher. The appliances are in good working order and appear to be new.

As a landlord, you want to attract quality tenants to your rental property. You want tenants who will pay rent on time, take care of your property, and stay for the long term. One way to attract quality tenants is by providing appliances in your rental unit. Appliances can make your rental unit more appealing to potential tenants and provide a level of convenience that can be hard to find in rental properties.

But what appliances should you provide? And what appliances should you avoid? In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of providing appliances in your rental unit, what appliances you should provide, what appliances you should avoid, and how to choose the right appliances for your rental unit. We'll also discuss your responsibilities as a landlord when it comes to maintaining and repairing appliances and answer some common questions about landlord appliances. So, whether you're a seasoned landlord or just starting out, read on to learn more about attracting tenants with the right appliances.

Pros and Cons of Providing Appliances: Is it Worth the Cost?

Before you invest in appliances for your rental unit, it's essential to consider the pros and cons. While providing appliances can be a significant selling point for potential tenants, it can also come with its own set of challenges and expenses.


  • Attract Quality Tenants: Providing appliances such as a refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher can be a significant selling point when marketing your rental unit. Prospective tenants are more likely to choose a unit with appliances included, especially if they are new or high-end.
  • Convenience: Tenants don't have to worry about purchasing or moving appliances, which can be a significant inconvenience, especially for those who are renting for the first time or don't have a lot of experience with moving.
  • Compliance with Local Laws: Some cities and states require landlords to provide certain appliances in rental units. For example, California law requires landlords to provide a stove or range, while New York City requires landlords to provide a refrigerator.


  • Cost: Providing appliances can be expensive, especially if you need to replace them frequently due to wear and tear or damage caused by tenants.
  • Maintenance: Landlords are responsible for maintaining and repairing appliances, which can be time-consuming and costly. If you don't have the skills or knowledge to repair appliances, you may need to hire a professional, which can add to the cost.
  • Liability: If an appliance causes damage or injury to a tenant or their property, you could be held liable.

What Appliances to Provide: The Must-Haves and the Nice-to-Haves

Required Appliances

As previously mentioned, some cities and states require landlords to provide certain appliances in rental units. It's essential to check your local laws and regulations to ensure compliance.

Essential Appliances

Even if your local laws don't require you to provide specific appliances, there are a few that are considered essential in a rental unit. These include:

  • Refrigerator: A refrigerator is a must-have in any rental unit. Most tenants expect a refrigerator to be included, and not having one can be a significant disadvantage when trying to attract tenants.
  • Stove or Range: A stove or range is also considered essential. Even if you provide a microwave or toaster oven, most tenants will want a stove or range to cook meals.
  • Dishwasher: While not as essential as a refrigerator or stove, a dishwasher is a significant selling point, especially for families or those who entertain frequently.

Optional Appliances

There are a few optional appliances that can be provided in a rental unit, depending on your budget and the type of tenant you are trying to attract. These include:

  • Washer and Dryer: Providing a washer and dryer can be a significant selling point, especially for tenants who don't want to use a communal laundry facility or pay for a laundromat. However, these appliances can be expensive to purchase and maintain.
  • Microwave: While most tenants will want a stove or range, a microwave can be a useful addition to a rental unit, especially for those who don't cook often or have limited counter space.
  • Air Conditioner: If you live in an area with hot summers, providing an air conditioner can be a significant selling point, especially for tenants who don't have their own unit.

The Appliances That Aren't Worth the Trouble

While providing appliances can be a significant selling point, there are a few that you should avoid due to their cost, maintenance requirements, or safety concerns. These include:

  • Hot Tubs: Hot tubs require a lot of maintenance and can be a significant liability issue. If a tenant is injured while using the hot tub, you could be held liable.
  • Swimming Pools: Swimming pools are expensive to install and maintain, and they can be a significant liability issue. If a tenant is injured while using the pool, you could be held liable.
  • Built-In Appliances: Built-in appliances such as a built-in oven or refrigerator can be expensive to repair or replace if they break down. They can also be difficult to remove if a tenant decides to move out, which can result in damage to the unit or the appliance itself.

Keeping Your Appliances in Good Working Order

As a landlord, you are responsible for maintaining and repairing the appliances you provide in your rental unit. This includes:

  • Ensuring appliances are in good working order when a tenant moves in
  • Repairing or replacing appliances that break down due to normal wear and tear
  • Responding promptly to maintenance requests from tenants
  • Ensuring that appliances are safe to use and meet all relevant safety standards

It's essential to keep detailed records of any repairs or maintenance performed on appliances in your rental units. This can help you track expenses, identify recurring issues, and provide evidence in the event of a dispute with a tenant.

Choosing the Right Appliances: What You Need to Consider

When choosing appliances for your rental property, it's essential to consider your budget, the type of tenant you are trying to attract, and the maintenance requirements of each appliance.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing appliances:

  • Quality: While it may be tempting to purchase the cheapest appliances available, it's essential to invest in quality appliances that will last. Low-quality appliances are more likely to break down and require costly repairs or replacements.
  • Energy Efficiency: Energy-efficient appliances can save you money on utility bills and can be a significant selling point for tenants who are environmentally conscious.
  • Brand Name: While brand name appliances can be expensive, they are often more reliable and have better warranties than generic brands.
  • Tenant Needs: Consider the needs and preferences of your target tenant. For example, if you are renting to families, a dishwasher and washer and dryer may be more important than a microwave or air conditioner.

Providing appliances in your rental unit can be a significant selling point and can attract quality tenants. However, it's essential to consider the cost, maintenance, and liability issues associated with providing appliances.

As a landlord, it's your responsibility to ensure that appliances are in good working order, meet all relevant safety standards, and are repaired or replaced promptly when necessary.

When choosing appliances, consider your budget, the needs and preferences of your target tenant, and the maintenance requirements of each appliance.

Smarter Appliance Management with SmartHQ Pro

SmartHQ Pro is an appliance management solution designed specifically for property managers. Our platform helps you manage and maintain appliances in your rental units, so you can attract quality tenants and protect your investment. With SmartHQ Pro, you can easily track appliance maintenance and repairs, respond to tenant requests, and ensure that all appliances are in good working order and meet safety standards. Our platform also provides valuable insights and analytics to help you make data-driven decisions about appliance investments and maintenance. With SmartHQ Pro, you can save time and money while providing a high level of service to your tenants.

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